2023: Youth Leaders To Storm Ayakoromo Tomorrow On Sensitization Moves Ahead Of Elections 



Our today generation has a duty to be honest, genuinely being of good value to work and service to nation building for the overall benefit and betterment of our Towns, villages and by extension the human society at large.

As humans we should see ourselves as an agent of change and national development by dedicating our individual skills, strength, creativity and imaginations to the service of humanity in the best possible manner. As young people who can make the difference, we are duty bounds in building a bright future for society based on values and courageous behavior.
It is our belief that successfully developed nations in the world sustained their successes by building a strong youth generation that would introduce new global changes in the future. This means that the future lies in the hands of the youths of this generation.

Going forward, if the youths of today are inculcated with strong values of social change, the best education, good health and right priorities, then we can say that the future is bright.
However, if unfortunately, the today youths are not prepared with the right skills and values to bring about the desired future, there would be a human resources crisis in the nearest future.
The youths themselves are expected to pursue self development in leadership and other areas of human value because the absence of a developed youth would portend a failed future that would not be classified as being better than today.
If the youths are the foundation of the future, they must be strong and not weak because, strong building always has a strong foundation.

The today youths are pegged to be the bouquet of the society hence, their role is projected to play the most vital role in the development of the society. A nation where the youths are not considered in deciding her future can only be likened to a doomed state. This is because, the youths are the future of a nation.

It is on the above compelling reasons in line with the political Tides were youth are all over the world clamouring for changes for a better Tommorrow amidst the “hard times” impose on us by powers that be, we, under the ages of “Advocates for good governance & credible candidates beyond party lines” who are Youths Under Burutu LGA has deemed it necessary to interact with our youths on why this Election should be individual based & not party.

A Resolution will be taken at the end, a communique of the collective opinions of the thoughts of the entire Youths Present will be communicated as it should.

May we end this piece with the words of Martin Luther king Jr He He said” Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matters”

like the above refined words, our strength as youth lies in our conscious effort to make things right in our generation, the time to make things right it’s now and we would not shy away from it. the choice is ours to make.

Comrd Ebolo Samuel
Coordinator Advocates for good governance & credible candidates.

Amb. Arerebo Salaco Yerinmene snr

(Strategic member Advocates for good governance & Credible candidates)

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